简介: Pootie Tang, the musician/actor/folk hero of the ghetto, is chronicled from his early childhood to his battles against the evil Corporate America, w
简介:凯瑟琳(洛丽泰·扬 Loretta Young 饰)出生在一个平凡的农户家中,为了能够走进更高一层的阶级中去,凯瑟琳决定前往大城市学习医务护理以便成为一名护士。然而,梦想刚刚扬帆起航便遭遇了海啸,凯瑟琳的全部积蓄都被骗子骗走,她甚至要面临流落街头的悲惨命运。幸运的是,凯瑟琳看到了一则招聘广告,年轻的
简介: When Seth receives a mysterious letter inviting him to spend the weekend at a secluded mansion in the country, he soon realizes the people inside th
简介:阿尔方斯妮(葛丽泰·嘉宝 Greta Garbo 饰)本是一位出生在偏僻小村庄里的穷苦姑娘,被贪婪的父亲卖给了商人,之后一路辗转颠沛流离来到了繁华的大都市巴黎。凭借着迷人的美貌和过人的智慧,阿尔方斯妮一举成为了巴黎上流社交圈内的交际花,整日生活在荼蘼的灯红酒绿之中,人们送给了她“茶花女”的美誉。纸醉
简介: Gary Busey plays Buck, a former Vietnam veteran/ex-con recently released from the state prison. He returns to the small Midwest town where he grew u