简介: Follow Olivia Rodrigo as she recounts the memories of writing and creating her debut album. Take a look on her journey from Salt Lake City to Los An
简介: A vicious gang war for drug dominance draws in a disturbed Special Forces veteran John Bradley. Trying to adjust to normal life and haunted by inner
简介:A vicious gang war for drug dominance draws in a disturbed Special Forces veteran John Bradley. Trying to adjust to normal life and haunted by inner d
简介: In his first film, Shane Atkinson goes back to a cinema that isn’t afraid of mixing genres, where noir and western coexist with the most corrosive of
简介: 这部影片改编自一部全球知名的小说《指环王》(The Lord of the Rings)。它出自名作家J.R.R. Tolkien之手,由三个各自独立而又相互关联的故事组成。这部小说至少已有1亿5百万人通读过,而浏览过的更是不计其数,可以说它是近100年来少有的一部经典巨作。近几十年来,这一故事