简介: HBO Max的半小时剧《爱芯 Made for Love》改编自Alissa Nutting的同名小说,S.J. Clarkson及Patrick Somerville负责此项目。 包含黑色﹑报仇﹑离婚等题材的《爱芯》讲述30多岁的女主Hazel Green(Cris tin Milioti
简介: Gloria works as a top nude model and prostitute, but she has a secret. In reality she is writer and social critic Sarah Asproon researching her new
简介: Gloria works as a top nude model and prostitute, but she has a secret. In reality she is writer and social critic Sarah Asproon researching her new
简介: 影片以不久的将来为背景,通过卡梅伦(马赫沙拉·阿里 Mahershala Ali 饰)的眼睛讲述了一段充满力量和情感的旅程。卡梅伦被诊断患有绝症,医生向他提出了另一种解决方案,以保护他的家人免受悲痛。当卡梅伦挣扎着是否要改变他的家庭命运时,他学到了比他想象的更多关于生活和爱情的知识。影片探索了我