简介:In Greta Thunberg’s wake, the young have commenced an unrelenting struggle to save our planet. At the front of these corteges, and making headlines in
简介:In Greta Thunberg’s wake, the young have commenced an unrelenting struggle to save our planet. At the front of these corteges, and making headlines in
简介:故事发生在十九世纪的德国,文艺复兴和浪漫主义的狂潮席卷而来,举国上下都弥漫着激烈而又狂热的气氛。克拉拉(马蒂娜·戈黛特 Martina Gedeck 饰)就生活在这样一种充满了艺术气息的环境中。克拉拉是一名音乐艺术家,成名很早的她年仅11岁便举行了自己的独奏会。 在和舒曼(帕斯卡·格里高利 Pa